
Sand Lake Ambulance 2017 Fund Drive 

The Annual Fund Drive mailers for Sand Lake Ambulance will be arriving in resident’s mailboxes in the next few days in conjunction with National EMS Week.  The volunteers from Sand Lake Ambulance thank all our residents and business owners for their past support of this life saving service and they hope that again you will hear their call for support.  All the money raised by the fund drive is used for day to day operation of the ambulance company. Our operation is partially supported by a contract with the Town of Sand Lake, partially from revenue obtained by billing insurance companies and from revenue raised by this fund drive. Our volunteers contributed over 19,000 hours of their time toward keeping this service functioning.   It is very costly to provide full Paramedic service to the town 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year.  However, this is what you deserve and what SLA ( a private not for profit organization, (501 c (3)) is committed to providing.  Your generous response to this fund drive will help assure the continuation of advance life support services, the highest level of pre-hospital care available in New York State.  If you have not had an opportunity to donate or did not receive a mailer please call 674-2221 ext 5 or you may mail your donation to Sand Lake Ambulance PO Box 222 West Sand Lake, NY 12196.  Again, thank you for your thoughtful consideration and assistance so that we may continue to be there in your time of need.


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